Notations On Our World (Special W-End Edition): On #Iran, #Virginia, #Love & Other Thoughts….

The Daily Outsider
4 min readAug 12, 2017


Our team has been assessing Iran since the Revolution. We ran across the late Shah’s last speech right before he left Iran for the last time:

On the 37th year of his death in Egypt, the Farsi Service of the BBC provided a snapshot of what happened that led to the Revolution and the clear profound mistakes:

What was riveting was the tacit admission by the Shah’s Last Ambassador to the United States (who also served as Foreign Minister) on how he and all others who served the Shah ultimately betrayed the Shah and the people of Iran.

As we went to press, Iran’s newly re-elected President, Hassan Rouhani has formed his Government and presented it to Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) for approval. Before taking the oath, though, he had to receive his “signed affirmation from the Supreme Guide (also known as the Supreme Leader):

As Rouhani’s Government was taking shape, the Supreme Guide had apparently objected to a number of appointments — as it had to “ratify” the key ministers of Foreign Affairs; Defense and Intelligence — Ali Vaez captured the challenges by Rouhani in a recent column in the New York Times

It was also of historical note as the Islamic Republic Produced this video of all the inaugurations since the 1979 Revolution:

A look back: Watch video!

Some 70 countries sent delegations to Tehran to attend the 12th Inauguration:

No women have been appointed to his cabinet — although he has appointed three Vice Presidents — changing the portfolio for the head of the Environment Organization and appointing her as Vice President For Women Affairs. We will assessing this over the ensuing days and weeks. This is as we have also been assessing India and Pakistan — and as we have been assessing the very troubling situation in Venezuela and Kenya. The incumbent in Kenya was re-elected — but the opposition has refused to concede claiming election results were hacked. This is as we have been witness to the increasingly worrisome rhetoric between The United States and North Korea that the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan addressed in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal:

As we went to press, we were also reviewing the horrific scenes out of Virginia. We wanted to begin by sharing some tweets from former President Barack Obama:

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…”

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017

He went on to note and remind all:

“People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love…”

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017

“…For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” — Nelson Mandela

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017

This admonition from Nelson Mandela that Former President Obama noted is critical for all to remember as Neo-Nazis and White Supremacits gathered in Charlotsville, Virginia. The Police cancelled the rally — but not before there were violent confortations resulted in one death and scores injured. In our view, President Trump’s half-baked condemnation, “on all sides”, was extremely troubling which will continue to give credenace to groups like the KKK. David Dukes, the former KKK leader, touted his vote and role in electing Donald Trump and noting how he wanted to take America Back. This is as a member of President Trump’s Staff, Sebastian Gorka, claimed that the Minnesota Bombing was staged — which he said justified why the President was silent. We welcome Senator Ted Cruz’ call for what happened in Virginia to be investigated as a case of Domestic Terrorisim — we hope the Justice Department agrees.

Our founder is always fond to remind of this admonition that We Shall Overcome-as we close out this special w-end edition of “Notations”, we leave you all with this rendition as we also echo the sentiments that indeed, “We Shall Overcome”:

Originally published at on August 12, 2017.

